Wow! this has been a big week of a lot of long workouts!Monday was the eclipse, but I still got up for masters! Craig had a puzzle for us to solve on the workout...which ended up being Eclipse on the dark side of the moon. lol. On Wednesday I swam the longest I have ever swam open water. 3500 or 2.17 miles! That is almost the full distance we have to go in Ironman and I'm super stoked to say I didn't stop and I felt like I could keep going. Getting stronger and stronger in my swim. Craig (at masters common ground) told me my stroke is looking good! Which also makes me super happy!! I am feeling more and more that I am getting ready for this craziness!! This week also included an 8 mile run, which we did in the afternoon on was a bit brutal because it was hot and my legs were hurting from the ride the day before, but we made it through!! I thought 8 wouldn't seem like so far, but after last weekend's long ride and run it was a bit tough. On friday I s...
90 Days to go and on this journey to the toughest thing I've ever done. Stay Strong...Dig Deep!