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Big week!

Wow! this has been a big week of a lot of long workouts!Monday was the eclipse, but I still got up for masters! Craig had a puzzle for us to solve on the workout...which ended up being Eclipse on the dark side of the moon. lol.  On Wednesday I swam the longest I have ever swam open water. 3500 or 2.17 miles! That is almost the full distance we have to go in Ironman and I'm super stoked to say I didn't stop and I felt like I could keep going. Getting stronger and stronger in my swim. Craig (at masters  common ground) told me my stroke is looking good! Which also makes me super happy!! I am feeling more and more that I am getting ready for this craziness!!
This week also included an 8 mile run, which we did in the afternoon on was a bit brutal because it was hot and my legs were hurting from the ride the day before, but we made it through!!
I thought 8 wouldn't seem like so far, but after last weekend's long ride and run it was a bit tough. On friday I swam with masters at 5am. Always love the Friday masters! Then Friday night right after work, i met Estella for an hour and 40 min ride. She only had time for one hour with me, and the wind made it tough. I was able to do 23 miles and came back on 216th with a full on head wind...but again persevered! Then it was time for our weekend "torture"! I know...i said yes! Saturday as a 4.5 hour ride with 3 hours staying on the stops at all to see how our legs did. We did the mock Arizona route towards Fremont. Brad stayed with me the whole 1st couple of hours and we chatted about theater and music. It was some nice bonding with coach time :) The wind when we got to old 275 was straight in our faces so I was trying to keep my head down and stay in aero and at the same time maintain some speed. I was able to keep it around 14.5 for most of the way...was also able to stay on the bike for 3 hours 20 mins instead of just 3. Caryn and Brad did stop at the gas station by 2 rivers for a bit and Estella and I kept going...she was ahead of me and when I turned on the street by mom and dads (240th) there was a random guy turning too...Estella and I met coming and going and I kept going up a hill to turn around...Estella asked Brad and Caryn who I was riding with and they were like one. (they didnt see the guy who had stopped on the hill to get fuel) Caryn told Estella she had a spiritual experience and Estella said maybe she needed more carbs! LOL Brad and Estella got a little ahead of us, Caryn rode with me my last hour and half and I told her indeed there was a guy with me...and no Estella wasn't seeing things!
Met up again with Brad and Estella after I finally got to get off a bit at Loves and had a much needed diet coke and banana. We all rode down old 275 for a bit, then turned around and rode through Valley and waterloo home to Tahazouka. Over all...I surprised myself by not being too horribly sore and tired. I think my nutrition is working for me. I am using honey stinger Gu packets and some peanut butter pretzels as well as the honey stinger waffles. I will try a peanut butter sandwich as well on the next long one! I think this is gettign easier and easier. Estella and i ran a mile after and it didnt feel too bad!
Today was a 17 mile run...surprised myself again. thought i would be much more tired and sore, but it actually wasn't too bad. I did have to run home and get my shoes as I forgot them at home! ooops! So i was a little behind the girls, but i was able to fuel with glukos 3x and keep my strength up and felt pretty darn good on my las tmile. I was able to do it in about a 9:30 pace on the last mile by myself and over all my pace was 10 min avg per mile. This is getting real!!!
The next week is a recovery week...which will be awesome! Also coming up..>Ad Astra in Lawrence!
