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Ad Astra 70.3 September 10, 2017

Our last race before the big one!!! I feel very pleased over all with how it went. The swim was of course my favorite. I was playing a game of "finding nemo" I called the yellow buoys "blow fish" if they were round and sharks if they were triangle...I swam along trying to get past those and "find nemo" the orange buoy at the turn! i also tangled a bit with one guy who was by my side for a long time and finally said...finish him!! Sweep the leg Johnny! and got past him. I came out of the water in 34 minutes and was greeted by a guy on the shore that said i was the 4th woman out of the water!! YES! my transistion was kinda slow...over 2 mins but I got on my bike and got ready to face the hilliest course known to man! these hills are just brutal...not rollers where you can get momentum coming down and then fly up the other side...ooooh no!! these are down adn then flat and then straight up!!! i started to name them on my way..."mother dick" "fml" "son of a bitch" "FC" etc etc.
on one turn we had a "false flat" I literally couldn't get over 11 mph. i thought i had a flat or that i was dying or something was going on with my bike! it was ridiculous! finally when we turned around there i was able to fly a bit with a tail wind. on the water stop I was able to take a water and fill my front water bottle without stopping. Eventually Lynn caught up to me, but i lead a long long way before that! I didnt' lose her either. i was able to keep up and we came into transition about the same time. We were able to run the long and hot run together. Did NOT love the gravel part which was all in the sun and hilly and slanted...hard on the legs!! We stopped to walk at most of the water stops, but were able to keep going around the 4 loops. in the last loop Estella caught us and we all ran it in together for an Ironhawk finish!!! Pretty cool! I felt pretty good except for my hip on the bike, but i think that was from a lot of pulling on the hills!!!  Now begins the ultimate ramp up to Ironman!! I felt a lot like this was a big challenge and that I was able to feel more comfortable and to know that with our continued practice I am totally going to do this!! I felt like my nutrition was on par too! YAY!! the coolest part...i finished 1st in my age group with a time of 6:21. I think thats my best half iron to date!! Lynn also finished 1st in her age group and so did Eunice. We had a great time riding to and from with Eunice. That lady cracks me up! she is AWESOME! Michelle finished 1st in her AG in the olympic and Caryn got 2nd in her AG. Estella finished 3rd in her AG in the 70.3
